We’re excited to introduce you to Ryan Reynolds… the orangutan!
Ryan Reynolds is an orphaned orangutan who is currently being cared for at the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) facility in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Ryan came into the OCCQ center in March of 2021 at the estimated age of 9 months old.
He was confiscated by Indonesian police from a local palm oil plantation. There is no doubt that his mother was killed by plantation workers as orangutan mothers never separate from their infants at that age. He is now thriving at the OCCQ with the other infants and is learning to forage on wild plants.
We love Ryan Reynolds here at OFICanada (both the actor and the orangutan!). Your donations through OFIC help contribute to the care for orangutan orphan Ryan Reynolds and hundreds more.
In celebration of upcoming valentines day, you can dedicate your donation in support of the care of Ryan Reynolds (the orangutan) and send a printable Valentine’s postcard to someone you love.
Ryan is ready to spoil you with his cute smile and amazing sense of humour.
Visit our Virtual Gift Guide to support Ryan Reynolds or send a card from Ryan to someone you love!